Juno Temple TV Series Ted Lasso Keeley Jones Red Fur Coat
Ted Lasso is an American sports, comedy, and drama television series based on the life of Ted Lasso, a real-life football coach. The show was originally published on Apple TV+ on August 14, 2020. The show has been renewed for a third season after two seasons were released. Jason Sudeikis, Brendan Hunt, Stephen Manas, and other notable actors star in the film. The concert has gotten a lot of positive feedback from both the crowd and the reviewers. Juno Temple, who plays Keeley Jones in the musical, has been praised for her outstanding performance and exquisite clothes. Juno Temple Red Fur Coat is one of her most in-demand on-screen outfits in Ted Lasso S02.
The coat is made of fur and has a viscose lining on the inside. It has long sleeves with open hem cuffs, a peak lapel style collar, and a double breast closure. It features two inside pockets and red color. The outwear is well-made and well-stitched.
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